
Showing posts from October, 2010

Bullying is a relationship problem

Bullying is a relationship problem and this article indicates there is a relationship between bullying at school and relationship problems later on (like sexual harrassment and dating agression) amongst those who bully others in school. And, if not nipped in the bud sooner, the problem continues until much later in life.  While it is not related directly to heavy metal, many kids and teenagers who are heavy metal fans (and many adults too) often find themselves caught up in the problems of bullying, whether as a bully, as a target or as both.

Depression high among youth victims of school cyberbullying

When I was in my teens, there was no such thing as cyberbullying, though at the time, the worst was verbal and/or physcial and/or relational bullying.  This was because I never knew what it was like to have internet access and even back then, I never even had a computer to call my own (until I was well into my late twenties).  Computers were only becoming common place when I was in my late teens, and even then, I never knew how to use one until I left school. The closest thing I had been to 'cyberbullied' back then was being prank-called. And the closest I have been to being 'bullied' via the internet was through the numerous 'incivilities' I was subjected to - being publically criticised, 'sworn at' and even called names by others on discussion forums.  Though I was very quickly 'removed' from the group when I did it back certain group members.  This happened to me in my mid-thirties.  Now, if I have something to say, I would rather do...

New Facebook page - Heavy metal for the 2011 census

This is for the UK census so I'm assuming the UK has it's census the same year(s) as us (Australia).  I can only speak for Australia on this, but I am certainly happy to back England on this.  Let's make this campaign worldwide, or at least get all the English speaking countries on board. The idea behind this is to list Heavy Metal music as a religion, because even Star Wars fans can list Jedi as a religion, so why can't metal fans list their preferred music as a religion also? I don't consider any music as a religion myself, but am happy to list it as a special interest, just like football (or any other sports, though some would argue their sports are a religion also), Star Wars (or any other sci fi movies or TV), or any other type of music. And special interests are obsessions which sometimes can be followed 'religiously', just like religious people become fanatical about their faith just like any other special interest group.  And anyone fanatical a...

Festival of Dangerous Ideas - Public Speaking competition

Had I known about this, I would have stepped up to the plate and participated in this.  And yes, I will bring music into the debate, especially heavy metal.  For instance, is heavy metal really 'dangerous'?  Or is the 'phobia' of the music, the bands and its fans justified because of the 'misdeeds' of a few (like the Night Stalker or the Columbine Massacres)?  Or is it because of the 'rude' words and concepts which 'offend the sensibilities' of other people who are not fans? For most fans and people who understand heavy metal, the music, themes, visual effects and lyrics rarely shy away from the 'dark side' of society and 'humankind'.  But for those who don't understand, the themes portrayed via the lyrics and imagery in this genre, it can represent ideas and themes which can be considered 'dangerous' to the the listeners themselves and to the broader community.  Hence, like any other art form, it can be 'dange...