Carol Rosetti and her drawings
This article has a whole set of illutstrations I had seen on Facebook yesterday and last night. It's a great article related to the stereotypes of women and how they get judged by their appearances. These things range something like, 'oh why don't you wear make-up? You would look so much nicer with it on' to 'Ugh, you're so fat, why don't you . But there are many 'other-nesses' this illustrator, Carol Rosetti had left out: One of these is 'metallo-phobia', or the fear that heavy metal has a negative influence on people's behaviour. In addition to some of the derogatory remarks I hear about women and sex-role stereotyping, I hear alot of negative remarks about my liking of heavy metal, some of them downright nasty, while others are are 'well-meaning' but still nevertheless 'hurtful', rude or ignorant in some other way. For example, I get asked how I can be a fan of this music because it is 'satanic', derogato...