This article is in regard to an 11-year old girl who was gang-raped by 18 people; and like most rape investigations, the focus was how the young lass was dressed - the fact that she was wearing make-up, tight jeans and a boob tube; and that the 'poor boys' would have to 'live with this for the rest of their lives'. And, in two other attacks like this, the victims were also blamed for wearing skinny jeans also. But apparently, 'real' victims of sexual assault are not supposed to wear tight clothes or other provocative clothing, flirt, drink or go to parties. And in the article, the writer stated that there was more concern for the rapists than their victims: that they will have to live with this for the rest of their lives, that they will lose their jobs etc. Instead of saying to a boy, 'Don't have sex with a passed out girl' we tell girls, 'Don't get too drunk'; or we say to girls, 'you asked for it' instead of saying to boy...